Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > ( preffered email address )BABY RABBITS!!

( preffered email address )BABY RABBITS!!

22 10:30:42

I have 7 new baby rabbits.Now I found one that got out of the cage-a day after being born, and I put it back. Hours later. She had eaten it alive! NEXT PROBLEM, The babies are scattered all over her cage. Ive only witnessed her feeding a few that are in a bunch and they have HUGE tummies. The others are scattered and arent so plunp. SO I just put a nest box in the cage and put some bedding in it, I didnt put the babies in it, I just put them in the corner of the cage where the ones that were being fed are at. but I did take some bedding and fur and scrubbed my hands down w/ it before moving them. Ive had babies before but none succesful. She is an outdoor rabbit w/ a nice big enclosure by herself, I put sheets all around her cage to make her feel secure and left only one side open, so she can still get a breeze. Anything Ive done wrong or anything to look forward to seeing would be greatly appreciated if you could fill me in.I want these ones to make it. Thanks.

hi ryan
you seem to know what to do but one thing doe's do not carry any scattered babys back to the nest 'they just leave them -this is common.
you have to put all the babys together and see how she goes on.
if she killed one you are lucky she didn't kill the rest some doe's do this.