Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > rex-rabbit


22 10:03:29

I have a female rex rabbit for a mouth now. She is one year old and we both her in a pet shop.
She was in a little cage an could barely move. She was stressed and scared but we decided it would be good to take her to a good home.
She is doing good now but she bites allot and shes really scared when we go to pet her or take her.
Do you have tricks we can do to make a relax and be more friendly?

Also, we want to get her pregnant. For how long should I put a male with her and i don't know if shes been with another rabbit it dangerous?



hi caroline offer her a bit of carrot each time you get her out and try and groom her every day -this will build her confidence in you .
if you want to mate put her in the bucks cage and mating should only take a couple of mins then she must be removed or she may attack the buck.