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our bun the freight train

22 11:18:09

hi again

i asked you last week about baytril our bunny cocobean (aka frieght train) is on.coco is calle d this because of the noise she makes in her upper chest, as far as we know and can see she is a normal happy bun,confirmed by our vet,last week when she got her r.c.d vaccene so no majors there but we had the lab test done on her to find out the cause and like all buns , inconclusive but not pasteralla , which is no surprise really but one bacteria stood out, mosteralla. (sorry spelling is not good) apart from thinking its cheese or something i cant find anything much on it. are you able to help me?any info is welcome.
thank you

Dear Darryl,

If you could give me the correct spelling of the bacterium, I might be able to help.  I'm not really sure what you're asking, though.  Do you mean what further diagnostics could be done to help your bunny?

What sort of noises is Coco making?  Are you sure they're not just vocalizations or snoring?  If you tell me the circumstances of the noises and more about when she makes them, I might be able to help.

Chest radiographs could reveal whether there is lung involvement or not.
