Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > whys my bunny sighing?

whys my bunny sighing?

22 11:37:12

Hi. Sometimes my rabbit will sigh. It mostly happens when we're holding him. Do you think it's because he doesn't want to be hels, or is he doing it because he's happy?

Dear Bailey,

If by a "sigh" you mean that he gives a big inhale/exhale, I think it's probably because he's contented.  I've never seen a rabbit sigh in distress.  If he really didn't want to be cuddled, he'd probably give you more obvious signs, unless he's a very taciturn fellow who puts up with our silly human need to snuggle a bunny now and then.  ;)

Other signs will help you figure out his mood.  Are his eyes relaxed, or are they wide and bulging?  If the latter, he's upset.  Is his body relaxed or tense?  Does he quietly grind his teeth (tooth purring)?  If so, that means he's content.

You can read more about bunny body language and other personality things here:

Hope that helps. Please write back if you have any other questions.
