Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > not drinking out of water from rabbit bottle

not drinking out of water from rabbit bottle

22 10:19:13

we just found a rabbbit that looked liek it was abonded.we are keeping it until we find its owner, or if we do not we are keeping it.we started giving it water out of a rinsed gatorade cap.wen we transfered it to a cage, and gave it an actual rabbit water will not drink out of the water now we have it drink out of the gatorade bottle cap.we want to switch to the rabbit water bottle beacause it hold more and i dont have to check on the water wen we are nothome.wat do i do to have it drink out of the water bottle

Hello Dan

There is nothing you can do to get it to drink out of a water bottle if it doesn't want to.  Some rabbits will never drink out of a bottle.  A lot of it depends on what their mothers taught them.  Rabbits can die quickly if they aren't drinking.  If they don't drink, they won't eat and there stomachs will shut down.

Obviously a Gatorade cap is not big enough to use for a water dish.  You can use a thick ceramic bowl that won't tip over.  If you don't have one of those you can buy a ceramic dog dish crock at just about any walmart type store.

Most town newspapers allow you to post free ads when pets are found.  Hopefully you will be able to post an ad and find the little bunnies parents.

Good luck,
