Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > About Rabbit.

About Rabbit.

22 9:55:06

QUESTION: Thank you for your help.  One more question.  Somebody said to me that If rabbit pulling hair from their dewlap a small patch of loose skin on the front of the neck and chest It's means that rabbit has a teeth problem.  Does this truth?

ANSWER: Mature does pull their fur from their chest and dewlap to make nests for their young. A mature unspayed doe will do this even if she is not pregnant.
It does not mean there are teeth problems
It is a good idea to have the doe spayed to reduce this habit.
Doe's with overgrown dewlaps can have a habit of over grooming the dewlap which causes infection
If this happens see your vet for treatment.
If you are at all concerned about your rabbits dental health consult you vet immediately. Do not leave it as it can result in a life or death situation if left too long.

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QUESTION: My rabbit already spayed. I will go to the vet, because shelter doe not want to help me.  I took rabbit in September 15,2010.

ANSWER: As i said fur pulling does not always totally stop.
I have never had a doe that has pulled fur due to dental problems.
Rabbits with dental problems generally go off their food and loose weight and look sorry for themselves with the possible sticky bottom syndrome

The only other though is if she has a skin infection, irritation or allergy and is chewing through this irritation.

it is strange that the shelter does not want to help you. Is this shelter where you got the rabbit from?

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QUESTION: Yes this rabbit from shelter.  I live in New York. I do not know why they do not help me.  I adopted rabbit 3 weeks ago.

If you have any receipts for the rabbit from the shelter keep them. Get your rabbit health checked by the vet and if there is any problem that came with the rabbit you have the rights to ask the shelter to pay the bill for your rabbit.
Like anything you buy if the pet was not fit for sale by being sold with dental problems or skin infection or a related illness that would of been there when you bought the pet you have the rights to ask for your bill to be paid.
Get conformation from the vet in writing to back up your claim.