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22 10:36:52

My older male rabbit, probably a lop ear?, seems to be having a problem with his genital area. Poop seems to be....not detaching, kind of hanging on and OUT in big balls and it smells awful. I have been pulling these big balls of gooey poop off every day and washing his genital area in the sink (he is "fixed", FYI). Is this an "older rabbit" issue?  

It could be related to age if he's becoming a bit arthritic and unable to reach 'down there' to clean himself.

But my lop rabbit had the very same issue, and it was related to her diet. She could not tolerate any fresh fruits or veggies, or any sweet snacks. As long as we kept her on a diet of limited pellets, lots of water and lots of hay, her bum stayed a whole lot cleaner!

If the problem persists, you may be looking at coccidia, a parasite that causes mushy, smelly poos. If that's the case, definitely consult with a veterinarian for medical advice.

Good luck!