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Sex Of My Dwarf Rabbit

22 11:19:43

Hi,                                                 I would like for you (if you can) please tell me how i can tell what sex my dwarf is. I would like to start breeding. Thank you anna

In adults (5+ months, in most cases), a male will almost always have two bald sacks (one on either side of the genitalia), whereas a female will not. However, a few rabbits will not drop their testicals or will only drop one from the body cavity. These rabbits will be infertile (or less fertile, in the case of ones with only one descended testical). The best way to be sure, if you do not see the testicals (as that automatically means it is a male), is the method described below.

So if you do not see testicals, you will have to go the harder route. Turn the rabbit over and scissor the tail with your pointer and middle finger (one on top of the tail, one on the bottom). Gently pull the tail away from the body, exposing the genitalia area. At the same time, use your thumb to gently pull the top of the genitalia area's skin toward the rabbit's body. This should expose the genitalia, if it is done correctly. Shaft-like and sticking up means a male. (If it is a baby, there will be a round hole). Attached at one end, but not at the other, and with a slit means a female.

Your very best bet is finding a local rabbit breeder or a vet who can show you the difference. In fact, I would highly recommend finding a show breeder who can mentor you in rabbit breeding. They can help you choose good stock to breed to so you can increase the quality of your rabbits. They can teach you about genetic things to avoid when breeding, and what things to try to get. They can actually show you how to sex rabbits (it is much easier to understand if you see it done, rather than having it explained to you). They can help you out a lot.

The best way to find a breeder (or breeders) who can help you out is to go to a rabbit show. lists shows. I would also very much recommend joining the American Rabbit Breeders Association before you start breeding. You get some invaluable information when you join, in the form of a Guidebook and a bi-monthly newsletter. has information about what you get when you join, and it also links to a form you can fill out and send in to join.