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Sexing my rabbits

22 10:42:26

I have already had my rabbits sexed by our vet, but that was when they were about 3 months old.  I am about to have one of them fixed (we have a boy and a girl), but I noticed that the "girl" rabbit has two pink like sacs in her genital region.  Sounds like a boy to me - I feel like my vet will think I'm crazy if I go back.  What do you think?  Are there other ways to tell?

Dear Michele,

It's not easy to sex a baby rabbit, and even very experienced rabbit folks can get it wrong.  :)  But your "girl" is certainly a boy if s/he has pink sacs a dangling.  Those are testicles.

A male rabbit can be neutered as soon as the testicles descend, which means now.  Be sure to bring both rabbits, even if only one is having surgery, to prevent them from becoming "unbonded" during the ordeal.

You can read more here:

I hope this helps.
