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Are there animals that eat rabbit droppings?

22 10:16:02

Rabbits poop a lot and seem to produce more volume than they take in.  It would be wonderful if you can use it as feed for some other animal.

Dear Tom,

Rabbit droppings are plentiful, that's for sure!  But they are not particularly nutritious nor tasty.  I don't know of any animal that would want to use them as a main course.  I know of people who have *dogs* that "clean up" after their bunnies.  But the poops are certainly not a staple for a dog.  (And let's face it.  Dogs will eat *anything*.)

HOWEVER, there is something very good you can do with those litterbox leavings, as long as you're using an organic litter such as pelleted sawdust, recycyled newspaper pellets etc.:  you can compost them!  Rabbit droppings are higher in nitrogen than just about any other animal waste, and because they are from herbivores they don't smell and are high in organic fiber.  They make the very best soil additive you can get.  Add earthworms (they LOVE rabbit poop), and you will have a fantastic, organic ecosystem that plants will line up to grow in.

We compost *all* our litterbox contents (we use Equine Pine as litter) and have the best soil of anyone here in Miami, where the soil is pretty much just coral rock.  It's the BEST!

So don't feed your bunny poop to an animal.  Feed it to your garden!  You'll have the greenest, happiest plants on the block.

Hope that helps!
