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shy rabbit

22 11:35:58

My rabbit was raised by a man, and seems kind of shy around me, she goes into her box whenever i go in the shed. I was wondering if you have any tips to help me to get her to trust and love me like my other bunnies?

Hi Sara,
       well what i wouls suggest you do is,when you go out to your rabbit and she goes into her box,just onpen up door slowly and just gently in a nice soft voice just begin to talk to her,saying things like that you arnt going to hurt her.
Then when you think she is relaxed just put out your hand in front of her and she might just begin to smell your hand,do this every time you go to see your rabbit cause this way she will get to know your scen and will know who you are.
Then just begin to gently stroke her and just carrie on talking to her.If you have any rabbit treats just give her some of thoes but let her take them out of your hand cause this way she will begin to trust you.
Just do this method every day and you will begin to notice a difference but i will say this,its not going to work straight away ,its going to take and patience but it will be worth the wait ok.
Hope this helps and good luck from Natasha.