Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > scared new bunny

scared new bunny

22 9:58:16

     i recently adopted a lionhead bunny named Cadbury. her former family spent very little time with her so she hates being handled. when i pick her up she poops repeatedly (or is that normal?) and scratches me arms are quite battered. i am sure she does this out of fear because her eyes go wide and she breathes and shakes heavily. i know rabbits are not the most cuddly of creatures because of them being prey animals but i dont want her to be scared of me. how can i make her relaxed and comfortable with me? i want her to be able to live comfortabley with me.

additional info:
-her age is unknown but she just recently reached full grown i think.
-i have several other pets (two hedgehogs and two ferrets) all which are kept away from her but i wonder if the scent of other animals upset her?
-the lady i got her from said she was a mini lionhead but i'm not sure cause she is rather big (just over ruler length)

Make sure you fully support her legs and feet when you pick her up. Rabbits feel more secure that way. Gently take her to sit with you and just hold her on your chest or in your lap and pet her. She will gradually get used to you. The pooping when scared is very normal. Just take it slow and easy. The more you gently handle her and pet her and hold her in your lap the easier it will get.
Good luck with Cadbury!!!
