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Rabbit Losing Fur

22 10:33:43


I have a 1 year old dwarf lop male, and he has just come over a severe e-cuncli and we had him spayed/neuter about a month ago too.

The problem is, he has started to lose ALOT of fur, its just all of the place, if we stroke him, its just continuously shredding. At first we thought he was getting bigger, but its like hes got extra fur, and this is what makes him look bigger. And, now its been about 2 weeks, that hes been losing a lot of fur, but he has soooo much of it. We cant seem to see any bald patches either. Do you know what it might be because we are so worried.

Also, he used to be with another rabbit and we had to seperate them both because she was pregnant, and he developed e-cunculi, so they have been seprated since end of october (3-4 months) and now the kits are about 3 months old,  and they are kept with the doe.

we tryed to re-introduce the doe and the buck, but the doe tried to attack him, and he just stamps his back feet. also, one of the kits have tryed to attack him too. so we think theres no hope of him being reunited with the doe.

so as a result he has to be kept by himself now. i wanted to ask, could the fact hes on his own, maybe affecting him, thus losing fur? or when the doe and one of the kits tryed to attack him could have triggered this?

he has never shredded fur like this much before either.

also, could you give me any tips on how to reintroduce the buck and the doe? or is there no hope considering what i have said above? we are also going to get the doe spayed/neuter soon.


Dear Kiran,

It sounds as if your bunny is undergoing a normal, if heavy shed.  This can happen after an illness, but as long as there are no bald patches, it's not something to worry about.

Just be sure to groom him *well* and remove all loose fur to avoid his ingesting it.  You can find complete instructions for keeping your bunny healthy during a heavy shed here:

For tips on re-bonding bunnies (once *everyone* is spayed/neutered, to avoid more problems), please read the excellent articles here:

I hope this helps.
