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How cold can a mini rex rabbit get and stay alive

22 10:19:18

I just got a miniature rex rabbit. I live in Idaho, and I need him to stay outside. We built him a cage, with a little closed in box so he can run inside when it gets cold. But my question is, can he survive the winter? It gets really cold here, sometimes -30 degrees F. I do not want him to die. If we get another bunny to stay in there with him will that help them stay warm?

Dear Kirstin,

Although rabbits tolerate cold better than heat, they also have underground burrows where they retreat when it gets really cold.  Your rabbit will not survive freezing temperatures as cold as 30 below.

A Rex rabbit has a fur mutation that results in extremely short guard hairs, so a Rex will be even more vulnerable to cold than a rabbit with normal fur.

I would never leave a rabbit outside when it reaches freezing.  He needs to be in a protected barn, have a heated refuge, or somewhere in the house where he will be protected from the extreme cold.  To do otherwise would be cruel.  He has a small body that will lose heat rapidly--he's not a horse or cow that can stay outside and survive extreme cold.

I'm not sure why you say he *must* stay outdoors, but if you tell me the problems you're having with making him a house bunny, I can help you solve them.  A rabbit's place is in the house where he's safe from predators (they're out there, even if you don't see them) and environmental extremes.

You can start here:

Rabbits can be litterbox trained (once spayed/neutered), and are clean, quiet, perfect indoor companions.

I hope this helps you do the right thing.
