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bunny babies!

22 10:59:10

Hi there, I dont no if you remember me,but in mid september i asked a question regarding (is my he a pregenant she??) and well,it turns out she was!her babies where born on monday,and they are her 1st 7 babies. A few questions
1)what are the chances of all of them surviving?
2)one is the runt. what is the chances of it surviving?
3)what can i do to increase the  chances of the seven surviving?
thier mother is feeding them and lookingafter them well, and they are todays old.
many thanks.

Hi Cloe !

1) very good if you keep the cage and nest clean and the Doe has clean water all the time and a good pellet with 18 % protein at all times plus a handful of dry fiber.
2) also very good - a doe has 8 teats - 7 is a very good number for a litter
3) as I said in number 1.  You can add to the does feed
( in a dish apart ) 1/2 cup of rolled oats a day in the evening (rolled oat - NOT instant ) - also a Tablespoon of un salted sunflower seeds in their hulls twice a week is good for the milk supply.
Make sure the nest is always clean and dry - at day 7 you need to change all the nesting materials to clean.

There is nothing more adorable than 15 day old kits !