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Wooly Rabbit

22 10:59:03

I just recently got a wooly doe (she was sold as an angora, but I'm possitive she's actually a wooly- judging by features she has the look of a dwarf rabbit with angora fur). I actually bought her at a livestock auction and when I got her home she was not in too good of shape. Her fur was matted bad enough under her tail that she couldn't relieve herself, her nails were nearly twice as long as her feet. I did manage to get her relatively groomed, she can use the bathroom -and did alot afterwards! She finally started eating the next day. I was wondering though, after she is settled in (I don't want to stress her out any more than necessary for right now) Is it possible to bath this kind of rabbit? She is going to be an inside rabbit.

Dear Amy,

Thank you for rescuing this poor bunny.  Now you can see why the House Rabbit Society doesn't approve of breeders; very few care enough for their animals to give them proper care, and the result is the sad little girl you brought home with you.

It is not a good idea to bathe any rabbit, and long-haired breeds are an even worse "bet" for a bath.  I would instead recommend that you have a good rabbit vet (not a groomer--they are mostly familiar with dogs and cats and literally could *flay a rabbit alive*--which I have known to happen!!) to trim her fur to about an inch in length, or less.  If you keep her fur that length, it will be less likely to become matted or tangled.

To get her fur in better condition, it may help to gently work cornstarch into the fur, and then carefully brush it out.  Not only does this remove dirt, it will also help remove tangles and keep the coat slick and less likely to matt.  Please read:

and for all the best rabbit information to help you keep your new friend happy and healthy, visit

Hope that helps!
