Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > interaction


22 11:05:42

GF was holding rabbit and petting him then all of a sudden he will start digging/scratching, then stop.
Also some times while holding him he will shake a little, nothing major stop shaking after he is put down.
He is 4 months old, not sure on breed, white w/ blue eyes, and grey paws, just know hes some kind of dwarf breed. Any Info is appreciated.

Dear David,

When the bunny digs against her, he's saying he wants to be let down and have some free running time.  

Not sure what you mean by shaking, but keep an eye and watch to see if the "shaking" coincides with his breathing.  He might just be panting a little bit from the excitement of being held and then getting to go free.

If you can send a picture, I can get a better idea of what breed or combination he is.  You can send to
