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baby rabbits found?

22 11:37:19

In follow up, i guess from doing more research that these are wild rabbits and by the looks of some of the pics on the net anywhere from 8 to 10 weeks old.  Their mother did return to look for them at nightfall just as the FAQ said she would.  How long will they stay in the yard now that they know that we know that they are there?  The entire reason that we found them is that we were spraying our weeds with weed B gone and found five brothers and sisters hiding in their burrow.  We have put them back outside but are afraid the poison might make them sick? we are fighting the man against nature question.. Do you bring them inside and posssibly have them not make it? or do you leave them outside with the poison and have them not make it... HELP!!.. THANKS!! so much for your help so far.. this is a wonderful help for sure!

We found 5 baby rabbits in the backyard today.. Ans we are not sure how old they are or how to care for them properly.  Should we raise them as inside rabbits? or outside? we also have a kitten in the house too is this a problem?

Thanks in advance..

Dallas, Texas
Answer -
Are they wild or domestic bunnies?  If they are brown and have a white blaze on their foreheads, they are wild and should be left where they are so their mother can care for them.

If they are white or gray or any other color other than brown, they are most likely domestic and it would be good to locate the mother and bring them all indoors.

Both wild and domestic rabbits nurse only once a day, and stay away from the nest the rest of the time to keep predators away from the babies.

Check out this FAQ for more information -

If they are wild rabbits, the chances of them surviving without their mother are very low, according to wildlife rehabilitators.  Domestic babies can be handfed also, but the chances of them surviving aren't that high either.

If you did disturb the nest, and you haven't seen the mother, please put them back so that she can properly care for them.  It will be their best chance of survival.


Well, the lifespan of a wild rabbit is less than 2 years anyway, as our vet says, they are "nature's potato chip."  So no matter what we do, something is going to happen to them.

I would leave them outdoors, wild rabbits really are terrified of humans.  Unfortunately with wild rabbits what will be, will be.
