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Mother Rabbit always panting.

22 9:46:11

I have a female rabbit who is a little over a year old, and i was wondering if it is bad for them to be pregnant every month. My mom insists i keep the male in their with her, but i'm convinced it can't be good for her to be pregnant four times in a row. I noticed that she pants a lot, and i try to cool her down often but is it possible that she has something else wrong? She's kept outside in a hutch, and she just had her third batch of babies 8 days ago. I love how the male rabbit takes care of the babies and feel bad for denying him the opportunity, but i also don't want her to suffer through pregnancy after pregnancy. I intend on getting him fixed, but im waiting until i have enough money at the moment. My female rabbit grew fonder of me after she had her babies, and i hardly ever have to make sure she's doing a good job. I leave her babies mainly to her, but i check on them everyday. Will she stop feeding them? Her nest wasn't as good as usually this time so occasionally i have to go in there and fix the next. Thanks for your time. Hope to hear from you soon.

hi Whitney female rabbits should only be mated twice a year, its no wonder she is stressed out.
give her a break and remove the buck straight away so she can have some peace.
she sounds like a good mum so just let here get on with rearing the new babies