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Tumor in the eyeball

22 9:53:03

I have an 8 month old doe who over the last month or so has developed something inside her eyeball. It started out looking like a pimple on the color of her eye. Now, the "pimple" looking thing has gotten larger and it has spread to the pupil. Since her eyes are brown, the thing was kind of pink. You can now see it in her pupil as well. It is white. I have had rabbits for almost 4 years, but I know almost everything about them. Neither I, nor anyone I know who raises rabbits has ever seen something like this. Does it sound like a tumor or an injury? It doesn't seem to bug her at all. She lives a normal life and has had a litter that were all healthy.


there are several things it could be, that is one of them.  Could be a cataract or an infection.  Whatever it is it is abnormal and you need to go to a good rabbit vet to get her diagnosed properly so that the right and best treatment option can be started as soon as possible while she is still acting normal and her stamina is strong.

If you need to find a good rabbit vet - not all vets are - start here:

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