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Housing for new bunny/bunnies

22 11:33:38


I have not got a bunny yet but I do have a hutch (bunny will have to live outside due to my evil landlady but I intend to housetrain it  and keep it in the house most of the time). The hutch has two floors and each section is 118cm x 41cm and 46cm high. It was the biggest I could find but I was wondering if this would be enough space for two rabbits (small ones) as I don't want it to be lonely when I am out. Also the bunny/bunnies will be allowed into the garden (with high walls all round) on nice days when I can supervise - are there any plants that might be dangerous (I live in England) and what do they look like so I can get rid of them?
Sorry for taking up your time with all my questions but I don't want to rescue a bunny only to then make its life miserable,
Thank you, Andrea

Hi Andrea,
Hey.. I'm here to help, you're not taking up any time!  I think the hutch is a little bit small for 2 bunnies, if you brought a run and attatched it to the hutch and let them out every morning then it would be fine but if you're not going to be there to let them out then i'm afraid it'll be too small. Buttercups and thistles and any other plant should be avoided apart from herbs. They can eat dandelions but you must make sure no fertiliser has been used on the grass for about a 6 months - a year.
You're the first person from England whos asked a question!
Sorry for babbling on.
hope this helps