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eye problem???

22 10:25:43

I recently bought a 5 mo old flemish giant doe.  I noticed a few days ago that the membranes in the inside corner of her eyes reach almost to the iris.  I'm pretty sure this is not normal as I have a 2 yr old buck and his eyes are not like this.  I've only had her about 10 days.  Is this something genetic or something that can be fixed?  I bought her for breeding show rabbits so if it is genetic, I need to get in touch with the people that sold her to me.

Thanks so much for your time!

Dear Lisa,

The nictans, or "third eyelid" is usually larger in large breed rabbits than in other breeds, and is often more visible in such breeds.  However, if the membrane is extended over the iris, it can mean either that the bunny has unusually large nictans (which would be genetic), or that she is feeling ill.  A bunny (or other mammal) that is not feeling well will sometimes give only very subtle signs, and one of these is the extension of the nictans farther over the eye than usual.

To find out if your bunny is ill, please read:

If she seems fine healthwise, then her extra long nictans may be genetic,  though not particularly unusual for many large breed rabbits (even if this does make them less appropriate for showing).  I would not have this surgically addressed, since the nictans is a functional part of her anatomy, and cutting it could do her harm.  

The situation is different if she has entropion (an inrolling of the eyelids) or ectropion (an outrolling of the eyelids), both of which are genetic conditions more common in large breeds than in smaller ones.  Entropion, in particular, must be surgically corrected, since the constant irritation caused by the eyelashes rubbing against the eye can cause permanent damage to the cornea.  In either of these conditions, the nictans is often more visible than in a normal eye, which is why I mention it here.

If you're not sure why the nictans is showing, then I'd have her examined by an experienced rabbit vet who can give you an in-person exam and diagnosis, and you can go from there.  You can find a good vet here:

Please also  read:

I hope this helps, and that your bunny will be fine.
