Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My rabbits keeps snorting

My rabbits keeps snorting

22 10:47:37

My rabbit fletcher has been fine until a minute ago i went to take him back into his cage from his run i picked him up and he started snorting ( i don't think he was snorting in an angry  way) anyway i put him on the top of his cage and started stroking him and telling him to calm down i looked at his nose and i saw see through runny stuff around his nose when he was breathing little bubbles ( not really bubbles) of snot keeps coming out. i don't know if he has a cold but please can you try and give me an answer cause i don't want him to die... thanks!!

Dear Katy,

It sounds as if your rabbit has an upper respiratory infection, and he's sneezing up a storm.  He needs to be seen by a good rabbit vet ASAP for diagnosis and appropriate treatment:

You can read more about this problem here:

so you'll know what to ask.  And please also see:

Hope that helps.
