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dorm room

22 10:47:38

Hi there.  I was considering buying a lionhead rabbit to keep in my dorm room, but am unsure whether this is a good idea or not for the rabbit.  I would keep him in a plastic cage about 3x1 and let him out to play once a day when i was in the room and would keep the door shut.  Do they require larger cages and will it get tired of spending so much time in one room? Thank you!

A rabbit in a dorm room is just fine. Make sure the cage has a wire top and the plastic bottom is not too high up so that amonia from the urine does not build up and cause respiratory problems. You can provide toys for him to play with so he will not be bored while you are away.

A cage for a lionhead should be a minimum of 2 foot by 2 foot, with larger always being better (especially if he is going to spend a lot of time in the cage). A 1 foot wide cage is not ideal, because while it is longer, it does not give him much room to turn around in.