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litter (potty) training, and care

22 11:08:45

  Dear Elizabeth,
Hi, could you maybe help me? I'm in NC, U.S. I just got Alex(my bunny) and I heard you could litter train bunnies and I got interested. A for adventurous(Ha ha). Is it possible that bunnies could find their litter in something as large as a medium sized house? I don't know I'm just a beginner. Who knew you could get an eight year old bunny in December!

Hi Tabitha,
 8 years old? Wow! If he's already trained...great...if not,then we have some work to do.  Keep him confined to a small area of your house. Show him the litter box,and where he decides to "pee" you put the litter box there. Basically he'll choose the location,unfortunately,until he's a pro.  Keep this confined training until he's completely using the litter.  You will find droppings here and there,but this is normal,it's mostly the urinating you'll be most concerned with.  I wish you luck,and give that 8 year old a pat for me..  :)   enjoy,Elizabeth