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Pottytraing my bunny

22 10:56:59

I have an (almost) two month old bunny Bella, and it seems like she goes to the bath room EVERYWHERE. I love her too much, but cant handle the constant poop. She has a cage she is in at night but most of the day she is out and about in the house. Can I potty train her? I heard its possible..I just don't know how!? And also I was wondering why she follows me like runs after me, circles around my feet, always has to be on couch when i am and make a little grunting nose when she is around me? Is she okay?
Any help I could get I would love.

Hi Brittnee

Well potty training is easy and I am attaching a site that I helped a friend write that tells you exactly how.  Now don't be surprised if the first few weeks she prefers to sleep in her litter box instead of use it but suddenly one day she will know what it is for if you follow the directions.  I even put some directions in there for hard to train rabbits and if she is one of those you may have to keep her in the cage for a while.. letting her out to play only under supervision.  Just go to this site and scroll to the bottom and you will see the link.

Normally rabbits circle because they have sexual frustrations.  She is still a wee bit young but some doe's mature faster than others.  She is fine but she will probably need to be spayed in a few months when she is old enough and this will also help with her potty problem.

Here is a site about what your bunny is trying to tell you.  It is my favorite site.  I have given you the link for other reason's for circling but make sure you look around the whole site it is just great.

Thanks and good luck
