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Rabbit - hair loss around eyes

22 11:07:00

I have a two year old female mini-lop.  She use to share a cage with 2 other female New Foundland Lops but the one passed away and then the other one started plucking at her fur on her back and I thought she was plucking the fur aroun her eyes too.  So I separated them and put then in their own separate cages but kept the cages side by side.  Anyways, it's been over a week and I looked at her yes the fur is not growing in and it looks like more fur is out.  there are bald spots from the tear duct almost to her nose and they are bloody and bruised.  I think she might be scratching them.  What could be the cause of this hair loss.  Should I take her to a vet.  I am very worried.

Hi Apryl,
Yes,I do suggest bringing her to be seen...she may have a mite,or it could be that she's missing the other friend and becoming bored and distructive.  Either way,at least rule out the mite problem then take it from there,good luck,Elizabeth