Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > rabbit biting my daughter

rabbit biting my daughter

22 11:33:43

Hi guys  - we just bought our 3 yr old daughter a lop ear rabbit and it seems to bite her a lot. It doesn't bite anyone else. She is very gentle with the rabbit so I don't know why it would bite only her. He also chews everyones clothing. I don't know anything about rabbits - we only know horses and dogs - to be honest I'm now regretting the decision to buy a rabbit! help!

thanks Jane

It sounds more like he is nipping, not biting.  Does she pick him up?  He may not like that and may be nipping to get her to let him down.

There are some good resources for you to read on rabbits and children - and also information about rabbits themselves at

The woman who wrote the FAQ about rabbits and children actually raised her daughter with her foster rabbits and gears the information for children of different age groups.

If you let him stay on the ground and don't try to pick him up, you might have better luck.  He's basically saying in Rabbit, "Put me down!"
