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22 10:36:07

Dear Dana,
  I have been looking at previous questions asked and i have a few about my rabbit.  About two years ago she was found just outside my uncles (which is a farm house down a private lane).  There are no animals kept there.  Two rabbits were released.  My uncle, knowing they wouldn't survive caught them not really knowing what to do.  I saw them, fell in love and took them home.  Sadly one was a menace, she was a bit of a bully to the other (Boo) and she eventually chewed through the run and was never found again.
   Because they had always been together i didn't want to leave her on her own. I went and bought a guinea pig. Boo was very loving to her and all was fine. shortly after i took them to see a vet to check their health etc.  I was told 'watch the weight of the pig, because they stuff their faces' and to change Boo's diet to pellet only.  I bought some food from the vet and went away.
  My initial worry to take her to see a vet was because she didn't eat a lot and seemed under weight and was pulling fur out but he said she wasn't too bad it was normal and just to watch teeth because the front did not line up properly.  over summer she was fine, then back to winter she pulled at fur again i thought it was fine like he told me. One night i brought them both in for a proper cuddle, i was going to bath them but i noticed she wasn't herself (stamping and trying to be a madam) so i took her to a 'pet hospital' they told me she was underweight, not well, possible abscess and 'crawling dandruff'.  she also has runny eyes.  
they referred me to a vet as they said 'it was no emergency'.  i went to the vets that night and they gave her two injections and some cream to go in her eye.  when i asked about her teeth they said 'front are fine, they don't line up but they fine, separate the pig and rabbit'.  i have, but now my Guinea pig seems to be upset - she doesn't eat hardly and cries when she sees my rabbit which upsets me.  i also noticed today that i have and my mother, (we have both been treating her) have got rashes, which i now fear could be ring worm? she hasn't stopped drooling, though she eats a full bowl both morning and night, and still isn't gaining weight.  i am seeing the vet again soon, for more injections.
 i have never had rabbits before and have no idea of her age or background.  the original vet i have heard is known to be a rabbit specialist and everyone has sang their praises, he said at the time he saw her, she looked to be reaching maturity (2yrs old?
i hope you can help and sorry for the lengthy e-mail


Dear Fiona,

I think it would be cruel to keep the guinea pig and rabbit apart if they are bonded, especially since the piggie seems very attached to the rabbit.  If the food issues are really problematic, then I'd suggest having both rabbit and GP spayed/neutered and then allowing each to pick a mate from among the rescues at your local rescue center.  That way, both can have normal social interactions with their own kind without problems of having to feed them separately.

Boo sounds as if she has multiple problems.  The "crawling dandruff" is likely due to fur mites, which can be safely treated with Stronghold (selamectin):

I do NOT agree with the 100% pellet diet.  This is simply very old-fashioned and not good for the rabbits longterm health.  It's a very "breederly" thing to recommend.  Please read about healthy rabbit diet here:

Finally, if this vet is really a rabbit expert, I am very surprised that s/he did not take the runny eyes and drooling more seriously.  The incisors might not be very bad, but the two signs here are huge red flags for *molar spurs*, which can be very painful and lead to other health problems.  Please read:

and find another vet here for a second opinion:

The vet best rabbit dentist in the UK is Frances Harcourt-Brown, so if you are within reach of her, I would *highly* recommend that you take Boo to her for a complete exam and treatment of any dental problems that are treatable:

Hope this helps!
