Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > putting different litter of rabbits together...

putting different litter of rabbits together...

22 10:27:38

hi there just a quick question...we have 2 dwarf lops which are both male and have been fixed,they are just under a year old.
we went today to the pet centre and got another 2 very nice dwarf lops which are 8 weeks old,one doe and one buck.

we are hoping you can help as we are not sure when to put them in together and how to go about it.

the 4 of them are from the same breeder.

i am hoping you can shed some light on it,thanks  

Because they are a small breed and of different sexes what you want to make sure is that you keep the two smaller ones separate from the older ones until they are both fixed. Female rabbits become fertile sometimes as early as 10-12 weeks old, but that doesn't mean they should be having babies at that age.  If you are not planning on breeding keeping everyone in separate cages, but near eachother (so that they can see and smell the other rabbits but not touch) should make the bonding process easier.  It will also make introducing the males easier.

also check out

Good Luck!