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possible ringworm in dwarf rabbit

22 11:09:45

My dwarf rabbit Willy is ten months old. Three months ago I took him to the vet because I thought he may have ear mites.  His ears developed a crust and the fur outside his ears and around his nose started thining.  The vet didn't think it was earmites but he took a fungal culture.  The results came back negative.  Willy now has sores on the bottom of his hind feet and paws.  I also have another dwarf rabbit and he is well and healthy so I'm able to compare the health of the two of them.  Willy is eating regularly, drinking water and using his litter box every day.  In addition to the sores on his feet, he has bald spots around his nose and the crust on his ears has spread.  Should I take him to another vet for a second opinion?  Is there anything over the counter that I can purchase for his current symptoms.  Thank you ahead for your time and help. -Esther

Dear Esther,

It seems you have better rabbit sense than the vet you saw!  The crusts you describe are very typical of rabbit mange (caused by mites), and need to be treated with Revolution, or they will spread.  Please read this immediately:

and find a more experienced rabbit vet here:

I hope this helps.  Please don't go back to that other vet, if he doesn't recognize mange in a rabbit.
