Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > bordem beaters...

bordem beaters...

22 11:32:36

could you please suggest to me any ways to beat bordem my rabbits after losing his companion? maybe involving food or treats


Dear Sarah,

When a bunny loses a bonded companion, it's more than boredom that's a concern.  Rabbits go through intense grief, and what may seem like lethargy due to boredom is something far more serious that can even affect your bunny's health.

Toys and treats are fine, but they won't cheer up a grieving bunny.  What he needs now is lots of personal attention from you, lots of cuddles, and the knowledge that he's not completely abandoned.  I have known rabbits to grieve themselves to death over a lost companion, so this is really critical.

Is your bunny acting normal?  Is he eating well and producing normal fecal pellets?  If not, the stress of losing his friend might be eliciting ileus, a potentially life-threatening health problem that must be treated aggressively:

I don't know how long ago it was that your bunny lost his pal, but if he is seriously depressed, the best medicine might be to contact your local rabbit rescuer via this web site:

(Hit the "Chapters" button)

and set up a "blind date" with some of the eligible, spayed fosters there.  He does need time to grieve, but he also will need a new companion, no matter what his age is.  

In the meantime, you can provide him with favorite treats such as fresh herbs, tiny little bits of fresh fruit (not too much) or other things he likes.  But don't let his grief be an excuse to compromise his dietary health.  If he's depressed, giving him unhealthy treats could compromise his health even more.

I hope this helps.  I am sorry about the loss of your other bunny, but I hope you are able to find a rabbit rescuer near you who can help with a new companion for your friend.  It's a delicate procedure to bond two bunnies, but easier if one is very needy, which I suspect your boy is now.  Your local rescuer will be able to help with the details.  

If you can't find a rescuer in your area, please contact me and I'll try to put you in touch with one.  And please write back if you have any other questions.
