Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > cecotropes


22 10:55:45

Hi. Another question. My rabbit is happily eating all his food items, is making lots of stool pellets and appears healthy, but he still leaves alot of cecotropes around in the afternoon. Any thoughts on why he won't eat them like he should? I am concerned that by not eating them he will throw off his GI biology and have serious stasis issues. Thanks again for your input.

Dear Jennifer,

Some rabbits sometimes leave some of their cecotropes around if they are getting a diet very rich in nutrients such as protein.  I wouldn't worry if he's otherwise healthy.  He's undoubtedly eating *some* of them, and that's all he needs to re-establish his GI flora and get those trace nutrients.

If his appetite is good, fur shiny, eyes bright, and he shows no signs of lethargy or illness (please see:, then I would not be too concerned.

Hope this helps.
