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rabbits drinking problem

22 9:48:36

Mr. Lee Meyer. My rabbit eats normally but she dont drink for almost 3 days. What  will I do? I dont want to think that she might die. Please help me.


generally animals won't keep eating if they aren't getting enough water as well.  If she wasn't drinking at all for three days she'd be dead because she would have gotten dehydrated and gone into shock and died.

Rabbits normally drink anywhere from 2-5 ounces of water a day, depending on their size, what they are eating, their activity levels, and the temperature.  Sometimes if they aren't drinking a lot it may be harder to tell.

If you are worried she isn't drinking enough, I would suggest getting her in to your good, regular rabbit vet right away.  If you need to find a good rabbit vet where you are, go here:

to find a House Rabbit Society recommended vet near you.

In general, though, animals will not keep eating at normal levels for several days, and not drink.  Because they will get thirsty if they (and they will) require water.