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Concerning my buns

22 10:33:52

I was wondering if you might be able to help.
We have two male rabbits that are 11 months old, we bought them together, so they are probably siblings.We had them neutered 5 months ago.One of them(bunbun)is perfect, he messes in his litterbox, and is quite a quiet bun, he used to be the dominant one before he got neutered. Honey, who is still quite timid has become the dominant one and sprays the hutch and our windows daily, and never messes in his litterbox. My question is, was he properly neutered, is this normal eventhough he was done over 5 months ago, he still tries to mount bunbun, and gets bitten in the process, sometimes finding blood in the hutch.
Many thanks,

Dear Nadine,

It is not normal for a neutered rabbit to continue to exhibit these types of behaviors.  I would go back and ask the vet whether two testicles were actually removed.  In some cases, an undescended testicle cannot be found, and this can cause all the hormone problems that a descended testicle can.

It's also possible that he has an adrenal disorder that's causing this behavior.  But the cryptorchid (undescended testicle) is the first possibility I'd explore.  If you are not sure the vet who did the neuters is very experienced with rabbits, then find another vet here for a second opinion:

It is important to get to the bottom of this, because continued fighting will cause not only injury, but possibly permanent unbonding.  If they are fighting a lot, they *at least* need a bigger space so they can avoid each other, and if it really gets bad, you may need to *physically* (not visually) separate them to prevent real harm until the vet can figure out and solve this problem.

I hope this helps.
