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Odour bottom problem

22 10:33:18

Dr. Krempels,  We have adopted a 3rd rabbit, about 1 1/2 yrs old.  We've had her for a few months and got her spayed.  She has a very strong odour.  She doesn't have any poop problems at all and has a very good diet.  (Timothy pellets, Timothy hay and some greens 1/day - not too many though. We clean her cage 2/wk and clean her litter each day - we use carefresh. She is happy and loves to run and play.  I've cleaned her bottom twice but she still has this odour.  It appears that it gets stronger when she is around the male.  We have not yet successfuly bonded her with the other male and female we have.  We're in the process of doing this.  A friend said that her glands near her bottom can get clogged up. I'm not sure if I cleaned the right area - just cleaned her bottom area.
What can cause this and how can we fix it?
Thanks in advance.
Ellen and family

Dear Ellen,

Spayed rabbits don't usually have a strong odor, but if she does have waxy scent gland goo in her scent gland pockets, that might be what you're smelling.

The pockets are located on either side of her fluffy prepuce.  Gently move the prepuce, and you should see (and smell!) the pockets and be able to see the small, nodular scent gland.  The pocket can become filled with a strong-smelling waxy substance, and if you gently swab that out with a cotton ball moistened with a wee bit of mineral oil, the smell may decrease.

I hope this helps.
