Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > babies born Thursday 27th March

babies born Thursday 27th March

22 10:32:25

My female rabbit gave birth on Thursday 27th march.  I've been looking on the net for info as to how best to look after the mother and babies and all advice seems so different.  Should i check the nest for dead ones straight away? should i leave them alone for a while? How will i know if they are being fed by the mother? When should the babies be separated by sex?

I would really be grateful if you could give me some advice on how to look after them all.

hi caz saturday remove the doe and give her a treat -soil your hands in the cage litter and carefully uncover the babys -remove any dead-recover them and put mum back.
dont expect to see mother feeding she will do it when on her own
babys need to be with mum at least 6 weeks.