Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > New young bunny is not pooping, sneezing and eating very little.

New young bunny is not pooping, sneezing and eating very little.

22 9:39:27

Hi,I normally don't ask questions online but I am really confused as to what to do. I purchased a rabbit 4 days ago and was told it was 2 months old but it still seems too small to me. I have not seen the rabbit poop yet. I do think that SOME Cecotropes were produced as I seen he/her eat them, but only 5 times. He/she is not eating much either. I don't know how much a baby bunny this age is suppose to eat in a day, but I would think more than 6 pieces. He/she is very sweet and wants to be up quite often. I think it was the runt (compared to siblings) and was hand feed because he/she loves to be lying in my arms like a baby. She is urinating about 5 times a day which I hope is normal.I also noticed him/her sneezing when I purchased him/her. While cuddling and sneezing a large amount of white mucus came out of its nose and it has been wheezing since it got home. I try to clear the nose cause when I got up this morning his/her nose on one side was blocked off with dried mucus. Also how often do they sleep cause he/she sleeps so much at least a couple of times every hour. I have been trying to get some pellets into her buy soaking them in water and syringe feeding 1 ml twice a day as I am unsure how much and if too much will cause blockage or GI Stasis. I have owned a bunny before, or should I say I was Owned by a bunny before, so I know how high maintenance they can be. My previous bunny passed away from cancer at age 9 and it broke my heart. I should mention that I live FAR north in Canada in a small town and have no rabbit savvy vet within driving distance. Our vet treats mostly cats and dogs. My previous bunny was the first one they ever treated. So the health of my new bunny depends on mostly what I can do and if the vet can do something. Great vet though, really willing to learn what to do and will try anything. I just don't want my new rabbit to be really sick and eventually die from whatever this is. Any help or insight to this would be greatly appreciated.    Thanks.

P.S. I might try to get her to the vet soon (if I can) but what should I expect the vet to do because I have a feeling the vet will give Baytril along with SQ fluids and something for motility. I am just afraid the since he/she is not pooping and Baytril will make the lack of poop even worse.

Dear Lisa,

Sorry for the delay in responding.  (Mother-in-law had small stroke, so everything else kind of fell by the wayside...)

Right now, Baytril and SQ fluids would be a good idea for this little one.  Is she eating at all?  If so, her GI tract is moving, if slowly.  If she does not start eating, then please see:

though some of this (e.g., enema, which is *very* effective) will be difficult in a very small bunny.  Please feel free to share it with the vet.

But right now, her upper respiratory infection is the most pressing problem.  In such a little baby (probably too young to be weaned!) these things can become systemic much more easily. Be sure she has access to a warm place, though be sure she can get away from the heat if she is feeling too warm.  Please also see:

I would not wait any longer to get her to the vet.
