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Dwarf lop eared rabbits

22 10:16:42

Me and my mum just wanted to ask a few questions.
We got our female rabbit about six months a go and the vet said maybe we should consider getting her another female to play with, however we soon found out the pet shop had infact sexed our new rabbit incorrectly, it's a buck. Unfortunately it was too late he had already mated with her before we knew anything about it.
For a number of weeks now we've been keeping a close eye on her, she's really touchy and doesn't want the other rabbit near her, she's made a nest in the corner of her cage, her nipples have become very prominant, she's quite pink around her genital area and if you lay her down you can see her stomach moving quite obviously. We are 90% sure she's pregnant and we were just wondering, how long should it be before she has her babies? And now our buck has been neutered, how long after she gives birth can he go back in to the cage with her?
Thank you.

It sounds like any day now for babies, what i suggest is trying to figure out closest to when she was bred, and then count 31 days (28-32 days is average for a rabbit) and that will be her estimated due date.

As for your buck, I would wait until all the babies are weaned and not in her cage anymore, then give her about 3-5 days of recovery by herself to make sure she doesn't develop an infection in her breast.  After that the male will have had plenty of time to recover and can safely go back in with the female.

Good Luck
and check out

Great site with loads of ino about breeding rabbits and how to care for them.
