Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > rabbit smell

rabbit smell

22 11:11:54

Dear Dr. Krempels,
My rabbit emits an awful smell when she sits on my sofa, which is
not similar to urine or feces.  The smell is very powerful and
cloying, and I was told that she is a female, although I am not 100%
sure anymore.  She began producing this smell while also
regressing in her toilet training, and left feces on my furniture
while producing this smell.  I confined her to the cage after several
of these episodes.  What do you make of this? Thank you for any
information and for your time and trouble.

Dear Gali,

Your rabbit has reached puberty, which means she's producing a sexual scent that can be very strong when she's near you and excited.  It's time for her to be spayed/him to be neutered:

You can find a good rabbit vet here:

Once the bunny is "fixed," the scent glands will produce much less musk, and you should notice a reduction or absence of smell.  You also can clean out her scent gland pockets, which are located in little folds on either side of her fluffy pre-puce, with some cotton balls and a bit of vegetable oil to soften the waxy exudate.

I hope this helps.
