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Whats wrong?

22 11:12:55

My rabbit's poo has been really wet and liver-shaped. I'm guessing it's feces, but they aren't eating it. What's wrong? Or is that considered normal?

Your bunny may be getting to much fiber or sugars in its diet, causeing Soft feces. Try taking it off its pellets and feeding strictly hay and oats. Make sure it is getting lots of water to keep it hydrated. Some softer feces is normal, mostly at night. THis is a kind of nutrient filled matierial that rabbits eat, and need to to say healthy. I know it sounds gross but they loose a lot of their nutrients through their feces and this is how they get it back. This may be what you are seeing  and it is just catching on their cage. Just keep an eye on how much food/water it is consuming. Also keep an eye of the weight of the bunny. If it starts loosing weight, then this is a problem. Let me know if you have any more questions. Hope this helps!