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Rabbit with left side problems

22 10:14:30

I sure hope you can hekp - I will try and make it to the point.  We bougha a mixed breedd bun fromt he local pet shop.  We noticed almost immediatley that his left hind leg looked either broken or dislocated and he was blind in his left eye.  Never the less we kept him and took him tot he vet.  The vet said it was more his kneww than his leg and that unless we wanted to spend 100's even thousands at a soecialists, he would be ok.  Well it is now 6 months later and we notice that now his front leg his simialr symptoms.  It almost looks as though it is bent backwards.  As he doesn't seem to be in any pain, and eats like I pig.  I just feel aweful.  Can you help me?  I don't know what it could or would be wrong.  He has never fallen - he is with another bunny from the first day (they were littermates) and never see them fighting so I don't think they are a result of injuries...Please help me - I am at my whits end and don't know what to do at this point....

Hello Tricia !
Well it is not uncommon for a rabbit to have its legs broken while in the nest box and at that young age they do not show much pain they usually heal up and are healthy. this seems like the case  if you rabbit is eating and is healthy ( Not Skinny and boney) it seems like it has healed. if it get around fine its just something you will have to live with, the bunny sure has.
Good luck