Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > 2 week old rabbits

2 week old rabbits

22 11:13:36

our bunny gave birth to 3 little bunnys 2 weeks ago, we have been looking after them, making sure our bunny is well fed etc, they have grown nicley and have just opened their eyes today. when do we take them out tehir box and and when do we introduce pellets and greens etc. Also, when does mother stop feeding them milk?

Samantha . congratulations !  The bunnies will come out of the nest when they are ready.  The more milk the mother has the later they come out, usually between 15 and 21 days - if they are not hungry why leave a warm nest ?  You have to clean the nest now - change the nesting material for clean nesting material.

When they come out of the nest box they will start nibbling pellets and hay.  Greens I would not introduce until they are at least 30 days old and then little by little.  The mother weans them between 30 and 40 days.

There is nothing cutter than 15 day old kits !
