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rabbit care/diarrhea

22 11:27:26

I just started raising champagne rabbits, and am enjoying it greatly.  I have this great one that I think has a diarrhea problem.  I have put some boards in her cage b/c of trying to avoid sore hocks, but she sees them as an oppurtunity to go on them more than the corners.  How do I get rid of the stain on her bottom in time for a show?  I believe that the stool is now just soft, so I think I am doing well, but need to clean her up a bit.  What is the best thing for this?
Is there a good source to help sore hocks?

The resting board is the best thing to use for sore hocks.  I don't know why they choose to use that as their bathroom, but they all do.

You can bath the rabbit in warm water and mild soap.  The shampoos used for show horses, cows and sheep are good for stains.  Make sure the rabbit is dry before allowing it to be in a draft.
