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testicles on the floor

22 9:51:17

Hi there!  WE have 2 pet bucks, litter-mates.  They are about 2 1/2 year old.  They are molting. Peach's  molting is more extreme than in the past, with his "knee" almost bare.  Peach's testicles, both visible, have dropped to the floor in the last day or so.  Any ideas what could be causing this?  He's social and eating and pooping normal, as far as we can tell.  Thanks for your help.

Dear Cheri,

Your bunnies might have mites causing skin irritation that's affecting the elasticity of the bunnies' skin, including the scrotum.  Peaches might also have something else wrong with his testicles, such as an abscess or even a tumor.  

I would strongly recommend you get them both to a rabbit-savvy vet for complete wellness check and treatment of whatever is causing these anomalies.  It is probably safest for both if they are neutered.  You can find a rabbit vet here:

Hope this helps.
