Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Taylor


22 10:26:08

Taylor is my pet rabitt.  Every time I give her a bath, she ends up with an ugly wound.  The first time it really bothered me,, because it looked very bad.  Today I noticed a wound on her side. Its a big spot where the fur is missing.  A little bigger than a quarter.  If I can email a picture to you it might describe it a little better, I tried to attatch one to the message but it wouldn't let me.  Do you know if maybe she's chewing or something, and if I could do anything to get her it to stop? thanks, cliff

Dear Cliff,

First, you should *never* bathe a rabbit.  If she has a messy bottom, use the instructions here:

but a full bath is dangerous and stressful, and can even be fatal for a rabbit.

You can send me a picture of the wound here:

and we'll see what's going on.  The picture must be *very* clear, or I won't be able to help.
