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Deaf rabbit?

22 9:50:01

I have a 5 month old fuzzy lop I have had him since he was about 5 weeks old (he was severely abused and the mother was killed). I never really noticed that he doesn't react to much until I bonded him to my other rabbit.

Is there a way to determine if he is deaf? Or based on the below would it seem that he is deaf?

I used these techniques on my deaf ferret and dog so wanted to know if the reaction is the same for rabbits.

I took a tin can and put a few pennies in side and made sure I was out of sight and shook it hard my oldest rabbit immediately began to thump and ran away but the baby just sat there and didn't move until I was in front of him.

I tried sneaking up behind him and clapping he kind of turned around but didn't really until he noticed me.

If I run the vacuum he will only move if he sees it if he isn't facing it he just does whatever he is doing.

If it is storming outside my other rabbit hides or jumps when it thunders while he just sleeps through it or continues to play.


it does sound like he could be deaf.  Generally the technique is to make noise behind them and if they do not react, generally that indicates they can't hear.  Rabbits can pick up vibrations of things (thunder vibrating walls/floors) etc because the body can feel something.

It would probably be good to have your guy given a once-over by a good rabbit vet, since he's fairly new and rabbits should have at least an annual exam.  Anytime you get a new pet you should have them checked out in case there are issues you may not be aware of.  It also allows the vet to develop a profile of what's 'normal' for them.

If you need to find a good House Rabbit Society recommended vet, not al are, start here: