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Air freshener & rabbits

22 11:09:34

My three/four month old rabbits are getting awfully smelly. Is it alright for me to spray a little air wick-crisp breeze  around their area? Will it affect my rabbits in any way?
Thank you

Hi Phoebe,

if they are smelling as bad as you say, there's some kind of problem going on.  Rabbits are not supposed to smell as bad as you claim they are.

You say they are 3-4 months old.  I hope you have the males and females separated, as this is the age range they hit sexual maturity.  Part of the smell you may be smelling are their scent glands that are starting to get active because they are hitting sexual maturity.

They could be spraying outside the litterpan, which if you aren't aware of it and clean it up/change bedding, will start to smell if left untreated.  Usually this is the bigger reason why you think the rabbit smells when actually they don't, but what they marked (peed/pooped on) does.  

Until you can get them spayed and neutered you will have odor as a bigger issue to deal with.  It also sounds like you will need to stay on top of keeping their litterpans cleaned daily and removing the used litter/adding new litter, as well as making sure to change out bedding/resting material as well if they spray or mark on that.  Regular vinegar (50% vinegar, 50% water) in a spray bottle is an excellent and safe cleaning product to use that cuts through the odor.  Learn to love it, it does wonders and is natural and safe for all.

I would hesitate to spray the airwick or glade stuff around them if they have ever had lung/breathing problems or have runny noses.  Rabbits can have chemical sensitivities to this kind of thing and their lungs are not that big.  The regular cage and litterpan cleaning with vinegar spray will take care of odor.  A better solution that can clean your air is an air purifier that creates ozone and/or negative ions that can take smells out of the air.  Or if that isn't an appealing option, you may be able to find at a pet supply store a pet-safe air freshener that won't irritate their lungs.

Write back anytime,
