Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > keeping pet rabbit indoors or out?

keeping pet rabbit indoors or out?

22 11:36:38

My family is considering getting a pet rabbit. We have a few questions.  We would like a gentle rabbit that likes to be pet.  Is there a certain breed that is good for us to get?

Can we keep our pet on the screen porch or does it need to be indoors?
Any other general info about rabbits would be helpful.
Thank you.

There really aren't any certain breed characteristics, each bunny is different.  However, the larger rabbits (New Zealands, Californias, French Lops) all tend to be more mellow than the smaller rabbits such as Netherland Dwarves.  

I would suggest you read this page -  It tells about taking care of a rabbit, and what hazards you could expect whether the rabbit is indoors or out.

My preference is to keep them indoors because they are more of a pet that way, and you cans also tell if they are becoming ill much faster than if they live outdoors.  Also, rabbits are very social creatures and do much better in situations where they interact with other rabbits or humans.
