Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > strong smelly urine

strong smelly urine

22 11:24:35

Hi , I we have 2 rabbits and the one Noel ,she is a spayed  1 year old has a VERY strong smelling urine.

I was wondering if I should be worried or if I could do something to help it not smell so bad.

Was wondering if it was because she is not drinking enough water so we put a bowl of water along with the water bottle to see if that would help but it does not.

Any suggestions


Have you had her checked to make sure she doesn't have a bladder or UTI infection?

You might also try to give her veggies that have a high water content, such as parsley and celery, in case she isn't getting enough water.

If it's just the area that smells strongly, you might check out the tips at
